The Tramway Is A Bust... But You Can Go Home Again

Or at least back to my first apartment in West Boylston, MA. We left this morning hoping to take the Cannon Tramway but when we arrived the clouds were so thick the ticket taker suggested we come back as we would be seeing absolutely nothing. We decided to head on to our next layover in Sturbridge , MA. We first stopped in Franconia National Park at The Basin to see, you guessed it, more waterfalls! It really was a pretty view and looked like it would be a terrific hiking spot. We stopped for lunch at a Ruby Tuesdays located in a mall in Salem, NH and then continued our trek which led us near the town I moved to in 1971, when I was transferred to Miles Shoes merchandising in Worcester. The apartment was rented by a dairy called Meola's, pictured on top, which still seems to be in business although the building seemed vacant and an ice cream store now exists next to it that to my knowledge was not there at the time. The picture below it was the apartment building owned by Meola's where I rented the basement apartment (the lowest window to the left of the chimney) for $140.00 per month. Thanks to BA for putting up with this nonsense BUT we were still not finished. I then took her to the building I worked in across the street from Holy Cross. Great fun and nostalgia for me.
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