After many years BA and I are finally able to visit Elliot and Marcia for Thanksgiving. After perfect planning and an Amtrak reservation made a month in advance "Mikey" realized as we got in the car at 6:45 that the train was for 7:20 NOT 7:30 as he first thought. There was absolutely no way we were going to make this train. As we got closer everything seemed to work in our favor. No traffic, the parking garage was quick and easy and when we arrived at the office I was able to find the Quick-Scan ticketing machine which also worked perfectly. We ran through the tunnel to the west bound side huffing and puffing, we were going to make it.... Oops, no such luck as the train was pulling away and the conductor was leaning out apologizing that they could not stop the train. After collapsing to the ground (literally) mouthing some expletives not fit for print, I made my way to the ticket window and was able to re-book on a train 50 minutes later.
The trip was smooth and relaxing the rest of the way and we arrived at
Union Station, Washington DC no worse for wear.
We arrived at Chez Mar-El to find the dinner prepared, turkey in the oven, potatoes, string beans, asparagus, etc, as we waited for the other guests. Neigbors Joan and Jeff arrived with wine and an array of cheeses to knock your sox off and Bill and Pat came with two deep fried turkeys one with a cajun injection. I know I am missing some of the other dishes served but I will add them as I remember. We finished off the evening with apple and pumpkin pie from
Buttercup Bakery in NYC and I was able, after many years, to sit in front of the tv, watch the football game, and promptly fall asleep.
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